Latha Luchd-ùidhe na Gàidhlig ann an Uibhist

Uist Gaelic Stakeholder Day

Deit/Date – 24/09/2024

Uair/Time – 10.30m/10.30am gu 3f/3pm

Àite/Place – Cnoc Soilleir

This networking event is for community organisations and groups in Uist with an interest in Gaelic and an interest in creating a Gaelic Plan for Uist.

Following on from the great success of our networking events to date, our next meeting will take place on Tuesday 24th September between 10.30am – 3pm at Cnoc Soilleir in Daliburgh.  A light lunch will be provided along with tea, coffee and home-baking.   

The meeting will provide key updates including a look at the draft plan and further information about the next consultative phase of the plan.   

Please could you confirm your attendance by emailing by Monday 16th September.  Please also stipulate whether you will be attending in-person or on Teams, and let us know if you have any dietary requirements.    Mòran taing dhuibh.   

Bidh fàilte bhlàth romhaibh.  A warm welcome awaits.