Tag: year round
Uist Third Sector Climate Action Plan
UCVO has received funding through the Carbon Neutral Islands project to create a Third Sector Climate Action Plan for Uist. Eriskay has a Climate Action Plan, and Uist already has a Uist Local Energy Plan and a plan for Growing a Sustainable Local Food Eco-System in Uist. The Third Sector Climate Action Plan will therefore…
The Western Isles Lifestyle Lottery
(UCVO will administer the fund for Uist) The Western Isles Lifestyle Lottery has been created to: Tickets for the lottery cost just £1 per week. Players can buy as many tickets as they wish and can choose their own numbers or select a lucky dip. There will be 3 guaranteed winners each week. The size of…
UCVO Community Trust Fund
Funds raised through sales in Benbecula Thrift Shop go towards the UCVO Trust Fund which provides small grants to individuals resident between Berneray and Eriskay, and who are experiencing financial challenges. Grants can be made towards the purchase of essential household items i.e. whitegoods, furniture and flooring, as well as paying towards energy costs. Applications…