Am Paipear

Tha UCVO a' foillseachadh pàipear-naidheachd a' choimhearsnachd Am Pàipear.

​Still based in the community in which it was established more than forty years ago, Am Pàipear has a strong reputation for thorough, impartial journalism and across-the-board coverage of news and events in the islands.

​In addition to being much enjoyed by its readership, Am Pàipear is also widely respected by colleagues in the industry. It is a record six-time winner of the title ‘Highlands and Islands Community Newspaper of the Year’, in addition to awards and nominations received for journalism and the use of digital media.

​Please contact the Am Pàipear team direct on 01870 603 299 or visit the social media channels ( and for up-to-date news.